Depuis la terre, quelques belles photos ! - Le Point Vété

Depuis la terre, quelques belles photos !

09.05.2014 à 12:00:24 |

Nous finissons 11 ème sur 12 au général, je suis ravie car tout s'est bien passé à bord et, pendant la dernière manche, nous avons même réussi à mettre 4 Class 40 derrière nous ! Il aurait fallu que ça dure encore quelques jours !!

« Hérissons les voiles »
Le T-shirt que nous avons créé avec ma boite de com’ « Hérissons les voiles » a beaucoup de succès !

A venir !
Suivez-moi lors de ma prochaine régate : la Normandy Channel Race à Caen le dimanche 25 mai. Une course au large de 1000 miles en double. Je serai avec Phillippa Hutton Squire une Sud-Africaine, qui a déjà 2 tours du monde en Class 40 à son actif ! Et ça sera sa 4ème Nomandy Channel race. C’est avec elle que j’ai ramené mon bateau d’Angleterre en mars.

Cette course est sans escale et nous emmènera longer les côtes anglaises puis en mer d’Irlande pour ensuite virer le Fastnet avant de redescendre en France !

Tout le programme et le parcours de la course sur le site :

1 commentaire
y4rm9eceMep9 le 20-02-2015 à 00:15:36
brilliant is that. Let us make electronic tirtsacnaons illegal. Indeed, stealing cash is harder than stealing credit card numbers. You have to physically grab the money. While at it, let us make checks illegal too: let us rely just on good old paper money. Wait? Did I say paper money? Let us use lead coins. Much safer. Lots and lots of lead coins. It is a lot more private too: no record of the tirtsacnaons, impossible to tell where the money comes from.Come on! Paper data is *not* safe. Yes, it might be more private, but how can you track whether your doctor has received your medical test for cancer and processed it? You can't if you use paper. It is all a giant mess. With electronic records, you can actually tell whether your cancer test went through.With electronic records, you can throw in smart AIs to double-check everything (the same way credit card companies check for fraud). Did you get a positive test for cancer, but the doctor hasn't contacted you in two weeks? Maybe a warning is in order. Wait, you just bought this medication, but the AI knows it is counter-indicated for people with your condition, maybe a warning is in order.Back to the main point: I beg to differ. The problems you point out are big because they are caused by big organizations that are uninterested in fixing them. They are not really hard problems (like colonizing Mars or curing cancer).Start-ups and small initiatives change the world all the time and help big problems. Khan Academy is helping struggling high school worldwide: how much did your state government do in this regard lately? How did we practically cure AIDS? It wasn't a large corporation that did it, but one brilliant medical researcher who had a hunch that throwing various medications *together* would solve the problem.
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